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This report revisits CRJU 0307 police training policies and police de-escalation training. There is a need to change the view of arrest scenarios presented in reality-based television shows like COPS. This kind of depiction of police procedures makes people believe that police must use force when confronting citizens. Police de-escalation training helps to maintain a calm environment around police officers. It, therefore, serves to show that members of society can interact freely with police officers without the fear of beat downs. Police trainers strive to achieve parity in training hours dedicated to force and de-escalation topics. To realize the full benefits of police de-escalation, trainers should use scenarios that mirror real-world probabilities.
CRJU 0307 police training policies and police de-escalation training


One of the benefits of police de-escalation is to help in diffusing police encounters. Police officers can also use de-escalation techniques to reduce their own stress levels. This involves communication and discourse (a mechanism to achieve de-escalation). The emphasis on communication is central to police training policies. The aim is to ensure calm because most citizens base their perception of law officers on the last encounter. Police officers who use de-escalation techniques appropriately can mitigate the need for force to improve their job performance. Overall, police de-escalation training aids in reducing the number of complaints regarding police brutality. Therefore, community members and officers of the law can engage in more professional and useful relationships.
benefits of police de-escalation to communities


There are several techniques and strategies used in police de-escalation training. Our behavior dictates how escalated our interactions become. The ability to organize our thinking and respond calmly are effective de-escalation techniques. Most police training policies require police to learn this in training to help avoid a potential crisis. They learn the benefits of using personal space, body language, and listening skills to de-escalate disruptive behaviors effectively. Another benefit of police de-escalation is to help in anticipating potential conflict. Therefore, there are several verbal and non-verbal cues that we must be aware of. Examples are the clenching of fists and sudden changes in body language.
techniques and strategies in police de-escalation training

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