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The CRIM210 Social disorganization theory and social disorganization research assignment focus on a unique criminology aspect. Social disorganization theory is one of the most enduring place-based theories of crime. Importantly, Clifford Shaw and Henry McKay developed this theory. Thus they shifted criminological scholarship from a focus on the pathology of people to the pathology of places. They also helped in identifying processes leading from social disorganization to crime. Furthermore, Shaw and McKay demonstrated that delinquency did not randomly occur throughout the city but concentrated in disadvantaged neighborhoods. That is in—or adjacent to—areas of industry or commerce. These impoverished neighborhoods were in a constant state of transition, experiencing high rates of residential mobility. The CRIM210 Social disorganization theory and social disorganization research article help in understanding where delinquency occurs.

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The research paper focuses on processes leading from social disorganization to crime and their effects. First, there are the family processes. Social disorganization may have an impact on youth violence through its impact on family structures and stability. Mainly, Sampson (1986) recognized the relationship of social disorganization theory to control theory and routine activities/lifestyle theory. Secondly, there are neighborhood processes with several authors arguing for the importance of different causal pathways. Sampson and Groves (1989) investigated how social disorganization impacts informal social controls. Their social disorganization research used aggregated data from the British Crime Survey. The intervening mechanisms between social disorganization variables and crime rates specified in their study include informal control mechanisms. Lastly, the CRIM210 Social disorganization theory and social disorganization research article highlight the processes that lead to crime in societies.

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The essay helps in understanding social disorganization research and how it began as well as its importance to criminology. The ecological study of delinquency is the result of the unlikely combination of the study of change in France. Also, the study of plant biology and the growth of the urban city influenced the study of delinquency. Thus, this led to the understanding of the processes leading from social disorganization to crime in different areas. Importantly, Guerry, in 1833, conducted one of the first social-ecological studies. Additionally, Guerry compared the crime rates in 86 departments (counties) in France from1825 through 1830. His study showed that crime rates had marked variation in different cities in the country. The CRIM210 Social disorganization theory and social disorganization research highlight the importance of social disorganization in criminology.

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