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Contrasting Styles of Academic Writing. best 2023

Contrasting Styles of Academic Writing: “Writing in College” and “Thonney Conventions of Academic Discourse”

Contrasting Styles of Academic Writing


Contrasting Styles of Academic Writing

Academic writing is a multifaceted genre that serves as the keystone of scholarly communication and the diffusion of knowledge. Different authors employ varying styles and approaches to convey their ideas effectively. This essay will explore the differences in style and significance between two seminal essays, “Writing in College” and “Thonney Conventions of Academic Discourse.” By examining these articles, we can gain valuable insights into scholars’ diverse methods to engage their audience and articulate their viewpoints.

Contrasting Styles of Academic Writing: Summary of “Writing in College” and “Thonney Conventions of Academic Discourse”

Before reviewing the differences between these two essays, I’d like to overview each briefly. “Writing in College” by Joseph M. Williams focuses on the vital components of academic writing, highlighting coherence, clarity, and conciseness. Williams argues that these aspects are critical in creating effective academic prose, enabling writers to convey their ideas with precision and sophistication.

In contrast, “Thonney Conventions of Academic Discourse” by Patricia Thonney researches the conventions that shape academic discourse, exploring how scholars navigate disciplinary norms and expectations. Thonney highlights the importance of understanding and adhering to these conventions to establish credibility within a specific academic community.

Contrasting Styles of Academic Writing: Differences in Style

One of the most significant differences between the two essays lies in their writing styles. Williams employs a more direct and moralistic style, characterized by practical advice and clear instructions. He adopts a pedagogical tone, making his essay accessible and instructive for novice and seasoned writers. Williams uses straightforward language to communicate his ideas, guaranteeing readers to grasp his concepts readily.

On the other hand, Thonney’s essay exhibits a more analytical and philosophical style. She engages in a deeper exploration of the nuances of academic discourse conventions, employing a scholarly and contemplative tone. Thonney’s writing style may be perceived as less accessible to newcomers due to its intricate discussions and in-depth analysis of academic norms.

The alternative stylistic distinction is the use of examples and illustrations. Williams often provides concrete examples to elucidate his points, offering readers a practical understanding of his concepts. These examples serve as pedagogical tools, aiding readers in applying his advice effectively. In contrast, Thonney relies less on concrete examples and more on theoretical discussions. She delves into the theoretical underpinnings of academic conventions, requiring readers to engage in a more abstract thought process.

Contrasting Styles of Academic Writing: Significance of Style Differences

The stylistic differences between Williams and Thonney’s essays have significant insinuations for readers and writers of academic texts. Williams’ straightforward and didactic style benefits those seeking practical guidance on improving their academic writing. His clear instructions and use of examples make his essay an ideal resource for students and scholars looking to improve their writing skills. The significance of Williams’ style lies in its accessibility and immediate applicability, making it an indispensable tool for aspiring writers.

In contrast, Thonney’s more analytical and reflective style serves a different purpose. Her essay appeals to those interested in understanding the theoretical foundations of academic discourse conventions. While her style may be less accessible to beginners, it proposes valuable insights for scholars who wish to engage with academic conventions at a more profound level. The significance of Thonney’s style lies in its contribution to the scholarly discourse surrounding academic conventions, fostering critical thinking and reflection within the academic community.

Furthermore, these style differences reflect the diverse needs and expectations of the academic audience. Williams’ essay caters to a broader audience, including instructors, writers, and students at various stages of their academic careers. Thonney’s essay, with its more specialized and analytical approach, targets a narrower audience of scholars and researchers deeply invested in the intricacies of academic discourse.

Conclusion to Contrasting Styles of Academic Writing

In conclusion, the essays “Writing in College” by Joseph M. Williams and “Thonney Conventions of Academic Discourse” by Patricia Thonney exemplify distinct academic writing styles. Williams adopts a direct and didactic style, offering practical advice and existing examples to improve academic writing skills. Conversely, Thonney employs a more analytical and reflective style, delving into the theoretical foundations of academic discourse conventions.

The significance of these style differences lies in their respective contributions to academic writing. Williams’ approach makes academic writing more accessible and practical for many readers, while Thonney’s style fosters deeper engagement and critical reflection among scholars. Ultimately, both styles have their place within the academic discourse, catering to the diverse needs and expectations of the academic community. Understanding these differences enhances our appreciation of the multifaceted nature of academic writing and the various approaches scholars employ to communicate their ideas effectively.


Caulfield, J. (2020). Comparing and Contrasting in an Essay | Tips & Examples. [online] Scribbr. Available at: (2023). Available at:

University of Maryland Global Campus. (n.d.). College Writing: How Does College Writing Differ from Workplace Writing? | UMGC. [online] Available at:

Contrasting Styles of Academic Writing

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