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The contract breach remedies and corporate social responsibility assignment focuses on business ethics and social responsibility. A contract is a legally binding agreement that is enforced by the full weight of the court. If either party to a contractual agreement fails, the other party may take legal action. The party who fails to perform the breaching party. Ethical issues facing businesses may result in a contract breach forcing a party to seek legal remedies. Importantly, there is the filing of a civil lawsuit for breach of contract to obtain a solution for the violation. There are a variety of remedies available for a contract breach. The appropriate compensation or solution depends upon the circumstances. Also, the contracts breach remedies and corporate social responsibility essay help in understanding the steps in addressing a contract beach.

For more information on contract breach remedies, click 


Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary expectations that society has of organizations. The concept of corporate social responsibility means that organizations have moral, ethical, and philanthropic responsibilities. This is in addition to their duties to earn a fair return for investors and comply with the law. Ethical issues facing businesses require the adoption of a CSR strategy to ensure ethical practices take place. A traditional view of the corporation suggests that its primary responsibility is to its owners or stockholders. However, CSR requires organizations to adopt a broader view of their duties. Thus, it not only includes stockholders but many other constituencies as well. The contract breach remedies and corporate social responsibility article discusses the social responsibility businesses have to the society.

For more information on corporate social responsibility and business ethics, click 


The assignment focuses on ethical issues facing businesses as well as the impact on businesses. According to the Global Business Ethics Survey of 2018, employees believe that their company has a weak leaning ethical culture. Moreover, they think that little progress has taken place to mitigate wrongdoing. Corporate social responsibility towards the employees can help to mitigate the ethical issues. Thus, several ethical issues face businesses and are as a result of employees’ concerns. First, there are accounting ethical matters. “Cooking the books” and otherwise conducting unethical accounting practices is a serious problem, especially in publicly traded companies. Secondly, there is Social Media. Social media has made it a factor in employee conduct online and after hours. Lastly, the contract breach remedies and corporate social responsibility article discusses the ethical issues that face businesses and possible solutions.

For more information on ethical issues facing businesses and their impact on businesses, click 

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