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This paper analyses the concept of public relations and strategic communication planning. Public relations is the process of strategically organizing communications conveyed by the organization to the public. As a result, they realize mutual benefits from the relationship with the public. A public relations specialist is essential for coordinating and filtering the type of announcements made. The facilitation of various communication is through multiple modes such as print media and visual media. The concept differs from advertising since it doesn’t buy ads, nor does it focus on paid promotions. Thus, categories of public relations are media relations, government relations, community relations, internal relations, and customer relations.
concept of public relations and strategic communication planning


Strategic communication is the proper application of communication in achieving a desirable result. Therefore, strategic communication planning is the preparation of this rightful information. The main objective of strategic communication is conveying the most accurate information at the correct time. The importance is, strengthening relationships with target audiences, convincing the public on a given topic, and facilitating change in the society. Strategic communication planning is vital for the implementation of the concept of public relations. Consideration of the following elements is crucial for the planning process. Defining goals and objectives, assessing efforts, pinpointing the target audience, and giving meaning to messages. Moreover, understanding the messenger’s communication tactics evaluating messages impact and reporting a conclusion of the plan is crucial.
evaluating the strategic communication planning process


Entrepreneurs are business operators who take financial risks with the hope of gaining profits. They do anything to achieve success in their business. The concept of public relations is an essential aspect of maintaining business success levels.  Public relation simplifies the many forms of marketing portrayed to customers. It addresses the various objectives of an organization. One, building product awareness of a new product by generating customer attention. Secondly, public relations aim at creating interest promotional releases designated for sample products. Thirdly it provides extensive relevant information about products and services a company offers. Moreover, the categories of public relations rein force’s a company’s brand, therefore, maintaining healthy relationships with the audience.
objectives of public relations in entrepreneurship

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