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In comparing the yellow wallpaper and the story of an hour, similarities and differences are evident. The yellow wallpaper is a short story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The book describes a woman suffering from postpartum depression. The woman’s husband is a physician, and her illness motivates their relocation to the countryside. Also, the story of an hour, a short story by Kate Chopin. The story is about how a woman deals with her husbands’ alleged sudden death. Later on, she discovers her husband did not die. In both stories, the main characters are women seeking freedom. One is suffering from depression while the other wants separation from her husband. Various themes of literature are evident in both stories.
 comparing “yellow wallpaper” and “story of an hour”


Themes of literature are the consistent topics discussed throughout a narrative. The theme evident in both stories is the oppression in a patriarchal society. In the yellow wallpaper, the woman’s treatment entails “rest cure” done by her husband. This treatment suppresses her creativity and worsens her psyche state. Later on, her condition gets worse and becomes hopelessly insane. The theme is also evident in the story of an hour. At first, news about the woman’s husband shocks her, but then she rejoices. Her joy was from the freedom from her husband, and she finally could happily live alone. Later on, she finds out her husband’s death was false. Following this, she collapses and dies.
 “yellow wallpaper” and “story of an hour” themes


Literary devices help in bringing out the themes of literature perfectly in a narrative. In both tales, the rooms are symbolic. The main character in the story of an hour uses her own chosen room as a safe space. Moreover, in the room, she has more alone time. Evidently, this is not the same case in the other narrative. In the yellow wallpaper, the woman does not choose her room and therefore dislikes it. Her husbands’ picking of the room symbolizes the husband’s trait of domination. Besides, dramatic irony is evident in both stories. In the yellow wallpaper, the treatment worsens the woman’s condition instead of improving it. In the story of an hour, the woman’s husband’s wellbeing leads to her death instead of happiness.
 “the yellow wallpaper,” “story of an hour” literary devices

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