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This research paper reviews the effects of colonization on Australian Traditional Aboriginal governance. Colonialists used psychological and social mechanisms to change Australian Aboriginal world views and behavior for generations. Therefore, they attacked the core values of the people that led to changes in the lifestyle of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The organizational governance in Australia at the time had little to no influence on the people of Australia. Colonialists robbed Australian people of their identity by changing their names and roles in promoting love in the community. Nowadays, there are many indigenous organizations in Australia. Lastly, they include Government organizations, Indigenous representative organizations, Indigenous non-profit organizations and other non-profit organizations.
Read more of colonization and Australian traditional aboriginal governance at


This section discusses indigenous governance and leadership in Australia. Colonization in Australia had adverse effects on the Australian Aboriginal world views. Before the British settlement, Australia had diverse Aboriginal nations. For instance, each community had its own linguistic, legal, political and cultural traditions. Such indigenous organizations in Australia had systems of knowledge for caring about family relations and the country as well. Their ways enabled them to survive for many years. Organizational governance in Australia still goes on, with the formation of organizations such as The Indigenous Governance Program. Lastly, the organization aims at improving reconciliation through recognition, support, and celebration of strong Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander governance.
For more of indigenous governance and leadership in Australia, visit


Organizational governance and colonization in Australia include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organizations legally incorporated under Australian, state and territory legislation. Therefore, to most outsiders, these indigenous organizations in Australia are often the most visible expression of governance in communities. Indigenous incorporated organizations have an average of six people on their governing boards. These organizations often service or represent several different ‘communities of identity’ with varying legal rights and interests. Therefore, the leaders and managers of these organizations try to balance competing sets of demands, obligations, and responsibilities. Lastly, Australian Aboriginal world views are the basis of most of the constitutions of Indigenous organizations in Australia.
For more information colonization on Australian;  governance in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organizations, visit

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