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Climate change on earth and the depletion of ozone layer are serious issues that face the lives of human beings. Climate change refers to the general weather conditions of a place over many years. Additionally, it is a significant variation in average weather conditions. When energy from the sun reflects off the earth and back into space, or when the earth’s atmosphere releases energy, the planet cools. However, when the earth absorbs the sun’s energy or when atmospheric gases prevent heat from radiating into space, the planet warms. Moreover, a variety of factors that are both human and natural can influence the earth’s climate system.


Fundamentally, scientists project climate change on earth to continue over this century and beyond. The magnitude of climate change in the future decades heavily depends on the amount of heat-trapping gases that humans emit globally and how sensitive the earth’s climate is to emissions. Furthermore, these emissions also cause the depletion of ozone layer. Climate change will cause temperatures of the earth’s atmosphere to rise across countries over time. Also, it will cause the lengthening of frost-free seasons with the increase of emission of heat-trapping gases. Additionally, it also leads to changes in precipitation patterns.


The depletion of ozone layer in the lower part of the earth’s atmosphere is a major concern. Primarily, the main cause of ozone layer depletion is the release of chlorofluorocarbons into the earth’s atmosphere. Ultraviolet rays break down the molecules of chlorofluorocarbons releasing chlorine atoms. Consequently, these atoms react with ozone and destroy it. Also, natural causes such as volcanic eruptions cause ozone layer depletion and climate change on earth. Additionally, the launching of rockets also causes depletion of ozone layer.

Read more on the causes of the depletion of ozone layer at;

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