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The characteristics of centenarians show a correlation with the habits for long life practiced at early times in life. Researchers reported that subjects with parents living past age 95 had 29 percent lower odds of having hypertension. The subjects also had 65 percent lower odds of stroke than those whose parents died before age 95. Becoming a centenarian is based on genetics as well as physical activity. Researchers who examined supercentenarians found that most were independent in terms of daily life activities. Besides, few were in nursing homes or other forms of assisted living before the age of 105. Characteristics of centenarians show that habits for a long life can lead to aging healthily.   For more information on characteristics of centenarians, click 


Becoming a centenarian requires one to detach from cultural views that limit the mind. Growing older is the mind-body passing through time and space. Aging, on the other hand, is the mind body’s response to the cultural limitations it assimilates. Centenarians come from cultures whose tribal beliefs are not unlike those that contribute to aging. Characteristics of centenarians depend on several factors, especially from the surroundings of the community. While growing older only requires the passing of time, aging is significantly affected by the cultural history we embody. Characteristics of centenarians and habits for a long life are independent of the cultural views of a community.   For more information on becoming a centenarian and secrets to living long, click 


The link between calorie intake and longevity currently generates a lot of interest. This is because centenarians’ habits for a long life involve taking small calories. Animal studies suggest that a 10–50% reduction in regular calorie intake may increase the maximum life span. What’s more, calorie restriction may help reduce excess body weight, both of which are associated with a shorter lifespan. In becoming a centenarian, one has to watch their calorie intake. That said, long-term calorie restriction is often unsustainable and can include adverse side effects, such as increased hunger. Characteristics of centenarians and habits for long life all point to low-calorie intake for an increased lifespan.   For more information on the habits for long life and secrets for long and healthy living, click

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