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Leaders and business decision-makers can consider various change management strategies and types of organizational change to transform businesses. Change management strategies are mechanisms that aim at minimizing the negative effects of organizational change. These strategies also work to capitalize on transformations and achieve the best outcome possible. In literature, organizational leaders can borrow from several models of change. Some include Lewin’s change management model, Kotter’s theory, and Bridges’ transition model. At the same time, leaders must prepare to face the challenges of organizational change. Organizations have to plan for change and prepare for problems such as conflicts and resistance to change. Planning helps to have an idea of what the change would look like.
change management strategies and types of organizational change


There are five major types of organizational change. Changes could be organization-wide, transformational, unplanned, remedial, or involve personnel. Organization-wide changes affect overall business structures, cultures, and behavior patterns of employees. In most cases, such changes are long-term. Here, top decision-makers develop change management strategies to guide the smooth transformation and implementation of changes. Transformational changes usually entail adapting to new trends, technologies, and the general business environment. Personnel changes within organizations may happen due to many reasons. Min ones are financial restraints and government regulations. This type of organizational change contributes to most of the challenges of organizational change. Unplanned changes are usually internal and influenced by external factors like economic uncertainties.
understanding the types of organizational change 


Conflicts, setbacks, poor communication, and resistance form the major challenges of organizational change. Changes evoke emotions of fear, uncertainty, and frustrations. This can result in conflicts over schedules, compensation, and even work policies. The best decisions for organizational change should incorporate employee input to avoid most conflicts. Planning for changes should entail flexible and effective change management strategies for successful transformations. Plans must entail timelines for change to account for downtime and unintended consequences. Great plans also allow the identification of possible setbacks. This way, organizational leaders can adjust plans to counter the setbacks for different types of organizational change. Without proper communication about organizational changes, resistance becomes inevitable due to rumors and misinformation.
main challenges of organizational change 

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