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BUS3001 strategic management helps in improving employee motivation to maintain high productivity. Additionally, strategic management is the management of an organization’s resources to achieve its goals and objectives. Moreover, it involves analyzing the internal organization, evaluating strategies, setting objectives, and ensuring that the management rolls out the strategies according to the organization. Contrarily, employee motivation is the level of commitment, energy, and innovation that the staff of a company holds during the working day. However, maintaining and improving employee motivation may be a hard task for many companies. Therefore, companies work very hard to find ways to keep up the motivation levels of their staff.
BUS3001 strategic management and improving employee motivation


BUS3001 strategic management helps companies to anticipate future problems and opportunities. Additionally, it allows an enterprise to make its decisions according to the long-range forecast. Also, it improves the financial performance of a firm in terms of profit and growth enabling it to meet its goals and objectives. Furthermore, it helps in improving employee motivation by involving employees in strategy formulation which leads to a better understanding of the priorities and operation of the reward system. Moreover, it minimizes the resistance to change in an organization.
 advantages of BUS3001 strategic management


Primarily, improving employee motivation requires the management to lead with vision. Moreover, setting goals and objectives ensures that employees focus on their tasks. Also, it is important to set frequent clear targets. Additionally, breaking the goals into smaller chunks feels less overwhelming. Furthermore, BUS3001 strategic management should recognize great work to increases self-esteem, enthusiasm, and boost morale. Recognition is a great way of allowing everyone in an organization to celebrate the people who bring the company value to life. A company may also offer impressive benefits to employees to help in boosting their mood and create a sense of loyalty to the company.
methods of improving employee motivation

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