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This dissertation provides information on BUS115  starting a small business and particulars of small business management. Many entrepreneurs begin by forming small businesses. There are many reasons for starting a small business. Usually, the need for autonomy drives people into entrepreneurship. For others, starting a business comes from solving a problem in their own lives. Others become entrepreneurs for the challenge. One must be prepared to face the challenges for small businesses to overcome all obstacles. Financial support is crucial for small businesses. Entrepreneurs must risk their capital to invest in a business and have robust plans in case of uncertainties.
 starting a small business and small business management


Small business management can be challenging for beginners. One requires start-up cash and the skills and knowledge to manage the entity on his own. Sole proprietors should view the business as a separate entity with separate financial plans. With robust business plans, starting a small business becomes less complex. For example, creating a different bank account to save business finances helps to separate personal and business expenses. Accounting is crucial for all businesses, regardless of its size. For small business owners, accounting software helps to keep track and manage business finances from the start. However, high software costs form the biggest challenges for small businesses.
tips small business management


Some of the main challenges for small businesses include healthcare, government regulations, income taxes, and cash flows management. Employees’ health is vital for their productivity. However, it is expensive for most small businesses. Some government regulations, like environmental laws, add to managerial challenges for small businesses. This is especially in terms of capacity, finances, and knowledge to handle environmental regulations. Taxes may also be burdensome for small business owners, particularly in cases where profits are low. Unstable economies also become a challenge for the successful growth of most organizations. Therefore, before starting a small business, entrepreneurs must consider various difficulties in management. After that, they should develop strategic plans to address the challenges.
major challenges for small businesses

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