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The BSB119 market opportunity analysis and Japan’s business environment analyses the business environment in Japan and South Korea. Chasing too many growth initiatives can be dangerous for your business. Thus, as an executive team’s priority list grows, the company’s revenue, in fact, declines relative to its peers. However, focusing on a small set of promising initiatives can lead to above-average revenue growth. The article also discusses South Korea’s business environment and possible variables for market opportunity research. There are several steps to follow when evaluating a new market opportunity. First, there is a need to research your customers and competition. Secondly, there is a need to get a high-level view of the market. The BSB119 market opportunity analysis and Japan’s business environment discusses steps to market opportunity analysis.

 BSB119 market opportunity analysis


The assignment also discusses South Korea’s business environment by looking at political and social-economic environments. South Korea is famous for its spectacular rise to a developed, high-income country in just one generation. Notably, during the global financial crisis, the state maintained a stable economy. However, the South Korean economy is on track for one of its worst two-year growth periods. That is in more than half a century. The article looks at Japan’s business environment as well as South Korea’s and which one of the two countries is best for business ventures. Several issues have affected the country’s business environment making it less attractive to business investors. The BSB119 market opportunity analysis and Japan’s business environment article helps in understanding South Korea’s business opportunity.


Furthermore, the assignment discusses Japan’s business environment by analyzing its political, social-economic, and current business environments. Japan’s economic freedom score is 73.3, making it’s economy the 30th freest in the 2020 Index. Moreover, its overall score has increased by 1.2 points due primarily to an improvement in fiscal health. Japan is ranked 8th among 42 countries in the Asia–Pacific region. Thus, its overall score is well above the regional and world averages. The article also looks at South Korea’s business environment and global business opportunities available. The Japanese economy typically hovers in the lower ranks of the freest category. GDP growth has been constrained for many years as well. The BSB119 market opportunity analysis and Japan’s business environment article highlights Japan as a global business location.

market analysis of Japan’s business environment 

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