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The article covers BIS0010 management and Qualitative and quantitative research methods. Qualitative research methods in the field of management t rely on non-quantitative forms of data collection. It also relies on the non–statistical types of data analysis. BIS0010 management research methods aim to showcase some of the qualitative techniques essential for companies. Because research usually takes place in naturalistic settings, researchers may be concerned with reflexivity. Furthermore, qualitative researchers see the informants in their study as active participants in the research process. Lastly, qualitative research methods in the field of management lead to developing efficient methods of leadership in any industry.

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The assignment will focus on the BIS0010 management research methods that help companies to make improvements to their processes. Quantitative research is perhaps simpler to define and identify. The data produced are always numerical, and they are analyzed using mathematical and statistical methods. However, even phenomena that are not numerical can undergo examination using quantitative methods. However, it is essential to note that quantitative research methods are not necessarily the most suitable methods for investigation. They are unlikely to be helpful when you want to understand the exact reasons for particular behavior in depth. Qualitative research methods offer a more accurate account of an investigation.

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BIS0010 management research methods are helpful to managers in a variety of ways. Good management matters to any company with objectives. The first of these is the ability to connect the firm’s strategic goals with the individual performance of employees. Therefore, this impacts on the second area, which is the ability to create clearly defined and achievable goals. Also,  the qualitative research methods can help in identifying the two regions. In third place was the firm’s management’s ability to deal with failure and in fourth place its ability to take corrective action against underperformance. A company can incorporate quantitative research methods to make changes to the management process.

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