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This dissertation reviews the  BHS 380 concepts of globalization and global medical travel. Globalization mainly relates to global economic growth. This means that the world is becoming part of a single market. Aspects of growing world trade and developments of capital markets fuel globalization. With globalization and technological advancements, we expect to see corresponding global healthcare trends. These include things like global medical travel to reach even the remotest parts of the world to deliver patient care. Increasing populations and global healthcare concerns drive the need for global healthcare developments. Globally, companies are making efforts to produce and deliver goods and services without jeopardizing customers’ health and the environment.
concepts of globalization and global medical travel


With increased globalization, we expect to see a rise and developments in global healthcare trends. Currently, United States citizens can receive significant levels of care services abroad. There are numerous factors that enhance the growth of global health care. The most significant factors that promote global medical travel are improved healthcare technology and decreasing travel costs. Advertisements by healthcare institutions also attract numerous patients from all over the globe. This concept is known as medical tourism. Usually, ‘medical tourists’ seek dental care, cosmetic and elective surgeries, and fertility treatments. With more people grasping the concept of globalization, we expect to see an increment in global tourism in the next few years.
evidence and benefits of global medical travel 


The digital era brought about opportunities for growth and significant breakthroughs in global healthcare trends. An example of these advancements is the use of sensor-based devices. These devices can record patient information, monitor health outcomes, and promote remote medical treatment. This sets the stage for the adoption of the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT). This is a connected infrastructure of devices, software applications, and healthcare services. The concept of globalization will work to enhance how people embrace these new technologies. New smart technology has the potential to tackle deeply-rooted societal and industry challenges. Some of these challenges are aging populations and increased healthcare costs. Global medical travel will help medical professionals to gain satisfaction by delivering patient care all over the world. Patients can also seek the best type of care for their specific needs.
 innovation, technology, and global healthcare trends

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