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This paper analyzes the benefits of healthcare informatics and electronic health records. Healthcare informatics is the integration of healthcare sciences, information science, and computer science in the management of healthcare information. Technology improvements promote in the evolvement of informatics and information systems in healthcare. This helps to enhance the delivery of care, improve health outcomes, and advance patient education. The technology combines the science in healthcare for the building and designing of software that keeps patient information where they are easily accessible to those attending to the medical patients.

 benefits of healthcare informatics and electronic health records


There are several benefits of healthcare informatics that have a great impact on the way that health information is stored and accessed. Health informatics assists in information delivery at the right time which enhances clinical decision support. It helps to minimize errors as electronic health records are less prone to errors compared to manually stored records. This improves the management of healthcare information. Several electronic health record software packages contain the Joint Commission standards for the staff and providers. It has also improved the access of information hence increasing the quality of decision as those caring for the patients can easily share information with third-party payers, insurance companies, and reporting agencies.
benefits of healthcare informatics to health


Electronic health records utilize systems that reduce data loss by offering reminders on what needs to take effect. They make it easy to document the information provided by the patient. It also helps in the management of healthcare information by providing easy access to medical records by the patients whenever they want. Time-saving is one of the benefits of health informatics that results from the use of electronic health record systems as they allow patients to key in their data directly into the system. The systems also keep track of the services that the patient receives which helps in billing. This provides the data with accurate charges to third-party payers like insurance companies.
 advantages of electronic health records

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