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This essay discusses Artificial Intelligence and robotics and the applications of Artificial intelligence and robotics .Artificial intelligence and  robotics both expound on the differences between the two technologies in terms of definitions, technology, and application. Robotics are machines designed to execute one or more simple to complex tasks automatically. AI is a computer program that demonstrates some of the behaviors associated with human intelligence. Therefore, there is a wide scope of application of AI and robotics. Robotics is a field that makes us AL to improve their functions. Besides, AL is the bridge between human intelligence and machine learning. Robotics are autonomous or semi-autonomous machines that use computer systems for their control and information processing. AL is human intelligence that complements the human mind to enhance its ability to perform tasks. The advantages and disadvantages of AI and robotics are relevant to their application.

Artificial Intelligence vs. Robotics and applications of AI and robotics


These are various advantages and disadvantages of AI and robotics. They include a reduction in human error and a greater degree of accuracy besides improved work efficiency and cost reduction. They also bring about automation of repetitive jobs whereby they offer digital assistance hence saving the need for human resources. Additionally, they enable faster decision making where they foster new inventions that will help humans solve the majority of complex problems. However, some disadvantages are costly regular updates of machines, repair, and maintenance. The Application of Al vs. robotics tend to make people lazy. The replacement of the majority of repetitive has increased unemployment. Machines can perform only those tasks they are programmed to do, anything out of that they tend to crash or give irrelevant outputs which could be a major backdrop.

 advantages and disadvantages of AI and robotics


The application of AI and robotics serve different purposes. Robots aim to complete the work done by a human in much lesser time with better efficiency. Robotics have existed without AI in the past. Robotics are also applied in assembly and packing, space and earth exploration, medical-surgical applications, laboratory research, and weaponry. Artificial Intelligence and robotics explains the differences between the two technologies in terms of application. Computer Vision is the field of AI that enables machines to see as humans do like image and video processing, whereas, natural language processing involves algorithms focused on understanding humans. Big Data Analytics involves processing large amounts of data, hence, help to find useful information. Generally, there are various advantages and disadvantages of AI and robotics which have shaped many different industries and sectors.


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