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ARTH 320 Art in crisis 1970-1985 Keith Haring and the Place of Gender

In this ARTH 320 Art in crisis 1970-1985 Keith Haring and the Place of Gender assignment. We will write a 2,000 word double spaced 12 pt. font essay on Keith Haring and the Place of Gender.  Also, we will have to include an annotated bibliography with footnotes and a proper cover page. Additionally, in the  ARTH 320 Art in crisis 1970-1985 assignment, the essay will be in Chicago format. A syllabus with additional sources will ‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‌be attached, we will refer to the sources cited underneath “Week 11” on page 9 for sources that must be cited but used at your discretion. Further information on the assignment can be found under “class paper” on page 15 of the syllabus‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‌.  A critical study of international art practice and theory between 1970 and 1985, including installation, conceptual and performance art and the emergence of postmodern, feminist and other alternative art practices.

Keith Haring and the Place of Gender Assignment Focus

The focus of this ARTH 320 Art in crisis 1970-1985 course is as outlined below. It is the perceived crisis in the visual arts that emerged in the late 1960s when traditional art practices. For instance, painting and sculpture, and ideas, both in criticism and art history, were being challenged and new visual and theoretical approaches began to gain increasing prominence.   Additionally, Keith Haring and the Place of Gender Assignment focuses on the following issue. The rejection of Modernism’s formalism. This was interpreted not only as a crisis for painting and sculpture but also as an attack on prevailing ideas about the nature of art.

ARTH 320 Art in crisis 1970-1985 and different themes in the sculptures

The course is structured thematically and consists of blocks of lectures examining these themes. The structure is as well structured as seminars in which students are encouraged to explore in more detail issues raised through a series of case studies. These themes include The legacy of the 1960s; alternative art practices; art and the other; subjectivity and authorship and the impact of postmodern ideas on traditional forms and institutions.  Lastly, the ARTH 320 Art in crisis 1970-1985 Keith Haring and the Place of Gender assignment will critically focus on the different themes in the sculptures as outlined in the author’s art.  Keith Haring and the Place of Gender  

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