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This research paper investigates agile project management and phases of project management. Agile means the ability of something to move quickly.  Therefore, agile project management is a computerized approach to project delivery throughout its lifecycle. This type of project management approach usually is for developing soft wares. As a result, agile project management promotes velocity and adaptability; hence alterations are easier. This type of managing project facilitates achieving maximum value while minimizing costs. The following principles are essential in this project type. The breaking down of tasks, collaborative carrying out of functions, periodic reviews, and integration of the planning process. There are several benefits of project management.
agile project management and project management phases


Any given project goes through the phases of project management. Although the phases possess distinct qualities, they often overlap. There are four significant phases. One, determining the problem for solving. Identification of the issue for fixing is crucial since it forms the project. Secondly, identifying the stakeholders who are the parties the project affects. Thirdly, the definition of project objectives which is generally the stakeholder’s expectations. Lastly, the determination of scope, resources, and significant tasks. A crucial tool in determining the scope and vital tasks is the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). The realization of the benefits of project management occurs after the execution of all the phases.
 phases of project management


Project management requires incorporating the necessary skills and knowledge in achieving success at the lapse of the set duration. Agile project management, mostly for soft wares, is quite faster compared to other project management methods. The division of tasks eases the managing of the project. The advantages of project management pertain to both the manager and the customers. For the manager, he/she achieves their goal and receives a reward of salary. Moreover, facilitating the improvement of the company image and brand. The benefits of project management for the customer are several, including the following. Quality optimization, quantity maximization, customer satisfaction, and reduction of risks.
 benefits of project management process

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