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A strategic marketing plan is crucial in the management of sales. It is a written document that describes the advertising and marketing efforts for the future of a business. Additionally, it includes a statement of the marketing situation, a discussion of target markets, and a description of the marketing mix that a business intends to use to reach its marketing goals. Contrarily, sales management is the process of planning, directing, and controlling professional selling including recruiting, selling, equipping, assigning, routing, supervising, paying, and motivating the personal selling part of that marketing function of a company. Moreover, the financial results of a company depend upon the performance of the sales department.

Read more on a strategic marketing plan and management of sales at;


Primarily, a strategic marketing plan should contain a clear description of the current state of the market. Additionally, it gives a chance to pull all the relevant information together in one place, to spur ideas, justify actions, and plan for the future of a business. Also, the marketing plan should contain the threats and opportunities of the market. It should also include the marketing objectives which guide and help in the management of sales. This includes what the business intends to accomplish.

Read more on the elements of a strategic marketing plan at;


The management of sales helps in the generation of revenue for a business. Also, it increases the sales volume as it ensures full utilization of production facilities so that they may not remain idle. Additionally, it motivates the sales force to achieve sales targets. This enables them to work towards the successful future of a business. Moreover, it supports the marketing functions of a business. Furthermore, a strategic marketing plan should go hand in hand with the sales management to achieve the results that the business desires. A business also tends to gain market share with continuous sales management techniques which result in its growth.

Read more on the objectives of the management of sales at;

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