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current issue within health or social care. Quality 2023

We are given two options to focus on, a current issue within health or social care issue. I will give one topic on health and one topic on social care. It’s with nothing that the paper is divided into two parts. Therefore, for the first part, Produce a report related to a recent or current health and/or social care issue that interests you (2700 words). We will briefly discuss caring through stress, anxiety, and change within healthcare.  Stress and anxiety occur in one’s life when a significant change affects the decision-making process. With time, stress may affect your daily routine, and you may find that previously enjoyable activities no longer interest you. When this happens, social care is needed to support such a person. This is because social care deals with all personal assistance and care needed for the needy, such as the old.  In part B, we need to Write a short evaluation outlining what we have learned from producing the report (300 words). From our report on current issues within health or social care, we have focused on caring through stress, anxiety, and change. Therefore, in this part, we will focus on how we care for individuals experiencing anxiety and those that are stressed.
current issue within health or social care.

Current issue within health or social care.

For this part, several topics have been suggested under current issues within health or social care.

The topics have included key issues such as: • teamworking, partnership and collaboration • leadership and management styles and theories • caring through stress, anxiety and change • coaching and mentoring • managing change • ethical challenges and dilemmas in care • lifelong learning and personal development planning • identity and diversity • safeguarding and risk • quality in health and social care.

You are asked to identify any current issue you choose, provided it relates to health and/or social care. You are encouraged to take whatever slant on a theme that you wish; for instance you could choose to link certain concepts together like: • women in leadership • safeguarding within LGBTQ+ communities • quality and health inequalities • funding of services and healthcare rationing • involvement in the co-production of services from diverse communities • staff stress and burnout within the NHS • the impact of Covid-19 on health and/or social care services and/or practitioners • the role of mentoring in managing change • the relationship between informal carers and formal practitioners in managing care.

Current issue within health or social care.

These are just some examples to get you thinking. To help you to decide, you might want to focus on an issue that specifically interests you, or perhaps the context or speciality within which you currently work, whether in a paid or voluntary capacity. You may not currently be employed in health or social care but are keen to pursue a career in a particular service area, and that could influence your choice of topic.

Alternatively, you may be an unpaid carer and have highlighted an issue which you feel needs addressing to ensure a caring approach to leading and managing services. For this part we should make sure to avoid te confusingsince it also focus on caring but nor related to our choice of topic under current issue within health or social care. Alternatively, you might deliberately decide to choose a topic that you know little about, in order to extend your awareness and insights.

Current issue within health or social care.

Also, for this report on the current issue within health or social care, we have a detailed outline that can help us organize our paper and ultimately get a good score.

1. Introduction- we will introduce stress, management process, anxiety, and how change influce all of these.

2. Case study outline: we can share a few cases study-driven from literature. peer review sources

3. Key issues: Caring for stress and anxiety is our key issue.

4. Theoretical analysis: we sill rovide a theoretcial analysis of current issues within health or social care . we will do this by relevant theoretical concepts and/or models should be explained and applied, discussing how these offer useful perspectives and insights into the key issues to aid understanding (1200 words).

5. Recommendations:

6. Role of leadership or management:

7. Conclusions for our topic current issue within health or social care.

current issue within health or social care.

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