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NURS701 physical exercise helps in the prevention of excessive weight gain. Fundamentally, it is the performance of activities to maintain or develop physical fitness and overall health. Moreover, regular exercise helps in the prevention of some diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular disease. Primarily, there are three main types of exercises. They include flexibility exercises, aerobic exercises, and anaerobic exercises. Flexibility exercises improve the range of motion of joints and muscles. Contrarily, anaerobic exercises such as running and walking increase cardiovascular endurance.

Read more on NURS701 physical exercise and excessive weight gain at;


NURS701 physical exercise boosts the energy level in the body. Moreover, it improves muscle strength and boosts endurance. It delivers oxygen and nutrients to the tissues in the body and helps the cardiovascular system work more efficiently. Additionally, regular physical exercise helps in preventing excessive weight gain. It helps to burn calories reduce the amount of body fat. Furthermore, exercise helps in the prevention of some diseases such as high blood pressure, stroke, metabolic syndrome, and depression. It also improves cognitive functions and helps to lower the risk of death from health conditions.


To prevent excessive weight gain, it is crucial to observe the kind of diet that a person takes. Additionally, it is important to avoid sugary foods and high-calorie drinks. Therefore, it is crucial to determine the calorie needs of the body according to gender, age, and activity level. Furthermore, a person should also make NURS701 physical exercise a consistent priority. It is crucial to ensure that the body stays in shape. Moreover, it helps to burn fat, build lean muscles, and increase bone density. It also keeps the body healthy through the prevention of some diseases.

Read more on the methods of preventing excessive weight gain at;

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