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A crucial part of community health assessment is the formulation of goals. Community health assessment refers to a tribal, local, state, or territorial health assessment to identify key health issues and needs through comprehensive and systematic data collection and analysis. Similarly, a community health improvement plan is a long-term and systematic effort to address public health problems. Additionally, community health assessment gives organizations comprehensive information about the current health status, issues, and needs of a community. Resultantly, this helps in allocating resources to meet the needs of the community.

Read more on community health assessment and formulation of goals at;


Fundamentally, the first step in community health assessment is organizing the planning process and developing the planning partnership. This builds a suitable planning process that builds commitment and engages participants. Additionally, visioning is important to guide the community through a collaborative process that leads to a common community vision and values. The next step is systematic data collection and analysis. It is essential to understand the health status of the community. Moreover, it helps to identify the root causes that affect the local public health system and the community. The formulation of goals is crucial after identifying and prioritizing the list of issues facing the community.

Read more on the components of community health assessment at;


Firstly, the formulation of goals helps to focus the attention of individuals and groups on specific activities and efforts. This is a crucial part of a community health assessment to create a plan of action. Furthermore, goals prescribe the course of action to individuals and groups. In addition, goals provide a source of legitimacy to action by members. After systematic data collection and analysis, an organization formulates goals that serve as a standard of performance. Therefore, this helps members to evaluate their performance from the perspective of the goals of the organization.

Read more on the importance of formulation of goals at;

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