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Mental health disorders increase suicide risk factors. Several different mental disorders present themselves differently. Notably, these disorders are generally a combination of abnormal thoughts, emotions, perceptions, and relationships with others. These disorders include depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, dementia, and other developmental disorders. Consequently, various strategies help the prevention of these disorders. Unfortunately, mental disorders increase the risk of suicide especially when the person has nobody to talk to. This especially affects the young generation which leads to an increase in suicide rates among the youth. Therefore, health care providers should ensure that they provide social support.

Read more on suicide risk factors and mental health disorders at;


The major suicide risk factors include the following. First, prior suicide attempts by the individual make them have the thought of committing suicide as an option. Secondly, drug and alcohol abuse often alters the mental state of the youth, therefore, giving them negative thoughts that could trigger suicide. Thirdly, mental health disorders like depression and other mood disorders often make the individual feel like suicide is an option to end their problems. Also, social isolation can increase suicide risks since an individual often feels unwanted by other people. With this factor, an individual feels like their presence or absence does not matter.

Read more on the major suicide risk factors among the youth at;


Mental health disorders have various effects. First, they may lead to family conflicts. This is a result of a misunderstanding between the ill person and family members thus leading to conflicts. They may also lead to unhappiness and decreased enjoyment in life since the individuals might lack a social life. Additionally, they can lead to missed work or school and other work or school-related problems.  This is because individuals have difficulty concentrating at work or school. Moreover, they contribute to suicide risk factors that might cause an individual to harm themselves or others. Lastly, they may lead to a weakened immune system, therefore, creating way for heart disease and other medical conditions.

Read more on the effects of mental health disorders at;

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