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The criminal justice system is relevant to the various wrongful conviction cases that occur. Notably, this system addresses the consequences of criminal behavior in society. It, therefore, has the objective of protecting the people’s rights. Moreover, it allows for people to fully enjoy their human rights. It specifically encompasses the works of the police officers, the prosecutors, and the entire judiciary system regarding criminal matters. Wrongful convictions happen almost every day and they first appear to be rightful. However, a lot of people in jails are not given time to defend themselves, especially when wrongfully convicted. Additionally, wrongful convictions have great impacts on the lives of those people.

Read more on the criminal justice system and wrongful conviction cases at;


The criminal justice system has three major components. Firstly, law enforcement is made up of police officers, detectives, sheriffs, and government agents. Usually, they are the first people on the ground in case of criminal activities. Unfortunately, most law enforcement agents are responsible for several wrongful conviction cases. Secondly, there are the courts. This system determines whether a suspect is either innocent or guilty. Based on the evidence provided, the judges provide a ruling. This component also includes juries, prosecution lawyers, and attorneys. Lastly, there is the corrections department which handles the sentencing and punishment of offenders.

Read more on the components of the criminal justice system at;


Wrongful conviction cases come about in several ways. First, there is the eyewitness misinterpretation. This mostly occurs because most criminals hide their faces, therefore, giving room for errors during eyewitness presentations. Also, there is incorrect forensics in which forensic scientists make wrong conclusions about the evidence. Most of these scientists rely on pieces of evidence that are not conclusive. Additionally, false confessions can lead to wrongful convictions since, in most interrogations, police often force suspects to confess rather than just investigating the crime. Lastly, there is the official misconduct. This arises when there is a deliberate failure to disclose major evidence from other sources. Mostly, the defense lawyers have limited access to investigation reports therefore they are left with less material to defend the suspects. The criminal justice system needs to take into account these aspects.

Read more on the common causes of wrongful; conviction cases at;

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