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A person can ensure good mental health by practising simple relaxation techniques. Mental health is an emotional, behavioural, and cognitive state of well-being. Furthermore, it affects how a person thinks, feels, and acts. It helps to determine how a person handles stress, makes choices, and relates to others. Moreover, it is important at every stage of life starting from childhood to adulthood. Observing mental health can preserve a person`s ability to enjoy life. This involves balancing between life activities, efforts, and responsibilities to achieve psychological resilience. Additionally, conditions such as depression, anxiety, and stress can affect mental health and disrupt a person`s daily routine.

Read more on good mental health and simple relaxation techniques at;


To stay in good mental health, people need to talk about how they feel. This may help to build healthy relationships with others. Additionally, it creates a chance to get good social support to help in protecting against the harms of stress. Connecting with others enhances the ability to enjoy life. Staying active through regular physical activity and healthy eating promotes good mental health. Moreover, regular exercise promotes self-esteem and helps to improve concentration. It also keeps the brain and other body organs healthy. Simple relaxation techniques produce a natural relaxation response in the body to relieve stress and lower blood pressure.

Read more on ways of ensuring good mental health at;


Simple relaxation techniques relieve anxiety, depression, and stress. Progressive relaxation involves tightening and relaxation of different muscle groups using mental imagery or breathing exercise. It also helps to promote good mental health by relaxing the body. Deep breathing exercises involve focusing on taking slow, deep and even breaths to make someone relax the body and mind. Similarly, biofeedback uses electronic devices to enable a person to control certain body functions such as muscle tension, heart rate, and breathing. These activities help in dealing with stress hence improving the ability to enjoy life.

Read more on the types of simple relaxation techniques at;

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