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Both the conflict resolution strategies and decision-making process are essential in everyday lives. These strategies basically help people to come to agreements based on the fact that they understand and choose cooperation. Besides just listening and speaking, there are other strategies that people can use to solve conflict and also make good decisions. The decision making process as well has various stages for its attainment. However, this process also requires a good understanding of its importance as well as the ways to achieve it. It is therefore important for people to learn these two aspects and apply them in various aspects.

Read more on conflict resolution strategies and decision-making processes at;


There are five major conflict resolution strategies according to Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Kilmann. These are; avoiding, competing, compromising, accommodating and collaborating. Avoiding mainly involves withdrawing from the conflict. This strategy is good, however, it does not resolve the conflict since people are not making any contributions to it. Competing is a strategy that involves conflict in which parties are determined to win, in this strategy, therefore allows room for assertiveness rather than cooperation. In accommodation, one party grants the wishes of the other party. Similar to avoidance, it often results in unresolved conflicts. Collaborating is a method in which both parties enhance assertiveness and cooperation hence it is effective in the decision making process. Lastly, compromising, whereby each party receives a little bit of what they want.

Read more on the major conflict resolution strategies at;


The decision-making process has seven major steps. Firstly, there is the identification of the decision. This helps to clearly define the nature of the decision. Secondly, gathering relevant information from both the external and internal resources available. Thirdly, the identification of alternatives. This step involves identifying the various paths of action possible to making the decision. The fourth step involves weighing the evidence. For each of the alternatives, you check for its potential in reaching the overall goal. This is very applicable in some of the conflict resolution strategies. Fifthly, choosing the best alternative or a combination of the most appropriate alternatives. Therefore, the fifth step might involve a rearrangement of the results from the previous step. The sixth step involves taking action of the decision and lastly reviewing the decision and its consequences.

Read more on steps in the decision making process at;

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