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Photosynthesis in plants and the cellular respiration process help in the growth and development of plants. Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants and other organisms transform light energy into chemical energy. Basically, it occurs when the green plants capture the energy and use it to convert water, carbon (IV) oxide, and minerals into oxygen and energy-rich compounds. Besides, this process is basically plants making their own food. The cellular respiration process on the other hand is the process by which living cells break down glucose to release energy. This process involves many chemical reactions and it requires energy hence is an aerobic process.

Read more on photosynthesis in plants and the cellular respiration process at;


The cellular respiration process involves three main steps. Firstly, glycolysis whereby a sugar molecule such as glucose is broken down into half, therefore, generating two molecules of ATP. This glucose is produced during the process of photosynthesis in plants. Secondly, a reduction which involves adding electrons to a molecule. For instance, in the case of lactic acid fermentation, NADH donates an electron to pyruvic acid, resulting in the end products of lactic acid and NAD+. The NAD+ is important since it is necessary for glycolysis. Lastly, aerobic respiration whereby oxygen is the final electron receptor for the process.

Read more on the steps of the cellular respiration process at;


Photosynthesis in plants is important since it contributes to the carbon cycle between the earth, the ocean and plants hence reduce the level of carbon(IV)oxide in the atmosphere. It also contributes to the symbiotic relationship between humans, plants, and animals since they depend on each other. For instance, plants depend on animals for carbon (IV) oxide while animals depend on plants for oxygen. Moreover, it is the number one source of oxygen in the atmosphere. This oxygen is therefore important for aerobic respiration that occurs during the cellular respiration process. Lastly, it serves as the primary energy process for plants and trees since they make the energy by themselves.

Read more on the importance of photosynthesis in pants at;

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