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Gender-role development is one aspect that helps to solve gender identity problems. Gender-role development is one of the most important areas of human development. Besides, the sex of a child is the baseline of an array of development experiences that influence his or her life. Gender identity problems on the other hand are problems in which an individual exhibits persistent identification with the opposite sex. Additionally, people with such issues have a persistent discomfort with his or her sex and therefore feel a sense of inappropriateness in the gender role of their sex. It may often begin at an early age but the diagnosis is until adolescence.

Read more on gender role development and gender identity problems at;


The theories of gender role development fall into two broad categories. These are biological and social-cognitive. Biologically oriented theories such as John Money and Anke Ehrhardt focus more on the anatomical, genetic, and hormonal differences between the sexes. It, therefore, provides a major basis for gender role distinction. For instance, sex-based characteristics from early infancy may predispose boys and girls to favor activities linked to their sexes. Secondly, social cognitive theories stress how children engage in the self-socialization process. This is therefore an attempt to actively acquire an understanding of gender roles and their own gender identity. This theory, therefore, brings in the occurrence of gender identity problems.

Read more on the theories of gender role development at;


The following ways help to support children with gender identity problems. Firstly, acceptance of the child. This reduces the fear of judgment and rejection. Secondly, the parents should find out more about the issue which includes support services both in school and the community. This helps in gender role development for them to know who they are. Thirdly, communication with the child enables the parents to have a better approach to the situation. Fourth, the parent needs to check on the child for any signs of withdrawal self-harm, or suicidal thoughts since it allows them to seek help in advance.

Read more on the ways of supporting children with gender identity problems at;

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