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This research compares insurance management systems and pension management systems. Insurance management systems are web applications that help in tracking details of an insurance policy, the company details, and the customer’s details. These websites analyze this information therefore providing easy access to information regarding the people and resources of insurance. Pension management systems on the other hand are soft wares that maintain the participant’s enrollment information, contribution tracking, plan association as well as beneficiary and dependent data. These systems also provide a user define vesting schedule therefore allows for flexibility in an investment or contribution by both the employer and the employee.


Insurance management systems have several modules. These include the following. An agent registration form that contains information about the new agent. It also has a policyholder registration form that gives information about the new policyholder. This information includes the name, age, sex occupation, and other personal information. Like the pension management system, this system contains login forms for all modules in which the users can access the information at any time. Additionally, it has the admin form in which the administrator has the chance to view all agent, policy, and the policyholder’s information. The admin has a chance to view, modify, and edit this information. Likewise, the administrator also has a login form in which they can use to access and perform the changes.

Read more on the modules of insurance management systems at;


Pension management systems are advantageous in several ways. Firstly, they help in the formation of a pension plan. Consequently, the contributions made to these plans are tax-deductible hence reduce the chances of tax payment. Secondly, the systems ensure that it vests contributions as soon as membership begins. Thirdly, in the event of death, the systems ensure that the spouses receive a pension or benefits. Moreover, in instances where the spouse is not available, the benefits are paid to the beneficiaries or heirs. Lastly, like the insurance management systems, the benefits accumulated cannot seize unless otherwise.

Read more on the advantages of pension management systems at;

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