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NUR3165Reducing injuries through devices or turning and repositioning is essential in promoting the comfort of patients. Mostly, clinicians do these two procedures to those patients who are immobile. Therefore, clinicians enable such patients to avoid injuries related to poor skin integrity. Majorly, clinicians achieve their goal of NUR3165reducing injuries through devices such as the new turning and positioning system. This system also makes it easier to perform procedures such as turning and repositioning patients. Moreover, the system helps to prevent over exertion of the clinicians. Thus, the clinicians are always in a better position to care for their patients. This reduces complications resulting from a long hospital stay, such as pressure sores on pressure areas of patients.

Read more on NUR3165reducing injuries through devices or turning and repositioning at:


Scholars continue to show the importance of NUR3165reducing injuries through devices that continue to emerge every day. Markedly, these devices contribute greatly to the promotion of health outcomes among patients. To begin with, these devices may include overlays. The overlays provide a smooth covering for the bed. Thus, this helps reduce friction between the patient and the bed. Moreover, the overlays may also be a sheet that helps in the turning and repositioning of patients. Additionally, some types of mattresses may also help in reducing injuries among patients. Therefore, these devices are very crucial in reducing the development of pressure sores on pressure areas of patients. Hence, a patient gets to have a comfortable hospital stay.

Read more on reducing injuries through devices among patients at:


It is important to note that NUR3165reducing injuries through devices is vital in achieving patient comfort. However, this does not mean that clinicians should forget other practices, such as turning and repositioning patients. This is so because this practice helps to a greater extent in preventing health complications among immobile patients. First, turning and repositioning is vital in ensuring effective blood flow to tissues, thereby keeping them healthy. Moreover, turning and repositioning also help relieve pressure. This is important in preventing the obstruction of circulation. Therefore, it enables effective blood flow to tissues, thereby preventing the development of pressure sores on pressure areas of patients. Furthermore, blood circulation results in the continued growth of tissues. This ensures that the skin integrity is intact, thereby preventing the development of pressure sores.

Read more on the benefits of turning and repositioning patients at:

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