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Prevalence of type 2 diabetes among adults is changing from being considered a mellow issue of the elderly. Prevalence of type 2 diabetes is also a significant reason for morbidity and mortality influencing young and moderately aged individuals. More than 25% of the U.S. population aged >65 years has diabetes type 2. The aging of the overall population is a significant driver of the diabetes epidemic. Diabetes among the adult’s links to higher mortality, reduced functional status, and increased risk of institutionalization. The outbreak of type 2 diabetes is due to rising rates of obesity in the U.S. population. Consequently, projections by the centers of disease control and prevention suggest the prevalence of type 2 diabetes will double in the next 20 years.
 prevalence of type 2 diabetes among the adults


Africa witnesses a significant increase in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes. An increase from <1% in some countries in the 1960s to a regional prevalence of 4.3% in 2012 is evident. There is considerable variability in prevalence of type 2 diabetes among the African communities with some countries. For example, Reunion recording an average of 16% while Uganda recording <1%. The most significant increase in prevalence is registering among urban dwellers. However, studies in both rural and urban areas find that diabetes among the adults is more rampant in both regions. Nevertheless, African countries are finding that physical activity is adequate in relevance to disease control and prevention. Physical activity is not an independent risk factor for the disease in the particular region.
 prevalence of type 2 diabetes in Africa


As expected, prevalence of type 2 diabetes is calling for more prevention and disease control techniques. Before developing type 2 diabetes, most people have prediabetes; the blood sugar is higher than the normal but not enough for a diabetes diagnosis. If the blood sugar test confirms prediabetes, reversing is by joining a CDC-recognized national diabetes prevention program. The lifestyle change program is significantly vital in controlling diabetes among the adults. Working with a trained lifestyle coach who will help take small manageable steps that fit one’s schedule is essential. Discovering how to eat healthily and adding more physical activity into your day is one of the significant disease control and prevention techniques. Moreover, finding how to manage stress, being motivational and solving problems can slow diabetes progress.
 disease control and prevention of type 2 diabetes

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