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In recent times, the use of the different types of electronic communication seems to gradually replace face to face communication. Furthermore, it continuously evolves is becoming more relevant in different places. Also, people can access electronic communication without the need for physical movement. However, face to face communication stands out as it dynamic and contains both verbal and non-verbal cues. Moreover, a person needs to balance the face to face communication and electronic communications. Additionally, electronic communication tends to be impersonal and have a high risk of miscommunication. Communication is a highly valued element of any organization, business, or workplace.
 face to face communication and types of electronic communication


Many communication channels utilize face to face communication in different workplaces. Fundamentally, face to face communication helps to create trust and transparency between parties. Moreover, it creates an atmosphere of equality and shows the commitment of the involved parties. Additionally, it allows the reading of verbal and non-verbal cues through body language. Unlike some types of electronic communication, it enables the listener to observe the facial expressions, gestures, and body language of the speaker. Also, it enhances the productivity of a workplace as face to face meetings allow attendants to brainstorm without limitations of time.
benefits of face to face communication


The basic types of electronic communication include voice calls, email, messaging, social media, and many more. Email is a type of electronic communication where a person can send messages through mail instantly. However, it may not be suitable for some cases as it cannot pass verbal and non-verbal cues. Video chat another type of communication that matches face to face communication as it allows people to communicate using videos. Furthermore, it has evolved to be more convenient as people can communicate instantly.
 basic types of electronic communication

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