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One of the responsibilities of the human resource management is to ensure continuous leadership development in business. The effectiveness of a leader influences the engagement of the employees. Consequently, this leads to higher performance and increases the contribution of the employees. Human resource empowers leaders to use their skills to promote the success of a business. Additionally, human resource management consists of three areas. These include individual, organizational, and career. Individual management deals with empowering employees to know their strengths and weaknesses. However, organizational development focusses on developing a system that maximizes the human resources of a business strategically. Nevertheless, career development involves the matching of employees in a business with the job that best suits them.
 human resource management and leadership development


Primarily, human resource management has the responsibility of hiring new staff, issuing contracts, and terminating contracts. Moreover, it continuously provides resources to ensure progressive development and the success of a business. Similarly, it provides training opportunities for employees to keep them updated in their fields. Also, it promotes leadership development in business by organizing leadership development programs. Additionally, human resource ensures the compensation levels are appropriate and match the market. Furthermore, it guarantees the safety and health of its employees. Besides, human resource management also defends employee rights and mediate conflicts between the organization and its employees.
 functions of human resource management


Human resource management ensures that leaders have the necessary experience and skills for their strategic initiatives. Additionally, a business needs to celebrate the excellence of leaders and identify a place that they can improve. This empowers the leaders to work towards the success of a business. Moreover, reward programs promote leadership development in business by motivating the leaders to continue doing great work. Also, human resource management should encourage leaders to advocate for their employees and work with them to position the employees in the best way possible. Leadership development is essential for the growth of any business.
ways to promote leadership development in business

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