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The analysis of the roles of nutrition shows that nutrition helps in controlling health-related conditions. Nutrition is the study of nutrients and their functions in the body. It also studies the relationship between health, diet, and diseases. Moreover, the risk of contracting health-related conditions increases when there is an imbalance of nutrients in the body. Furthermore, there are different types of nutrients that the body requires. These are macronutrients and micronutrients. Macronutrients consist of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and water. However, micronutrients consist of minerals such as sodium and calcium. They also include vitamins such as vitamin A, D, B, and K. All these nutrients are essential for maintaining a healthy body.
role of nutrition and health-related conditions in humans


Fundamentally, one of the roles of nutrition is to help in the management of a healthy weight. Moreover, the addition of vegetables and fruits to the diet helps to control weight, cholesterol, and blood pressure. Additionally, it helps to maintain the immune system. Contrastingly, poor health causes immunodeficiency. Good nutrition reduces the risk of contracting chronic diseases and helps in maintaining a healthy body. Also, it lengthens the life of a person as it helps to keep away health-related conditions. Besides, good nutrition ensures that the body obtains enough energy from food. Carbohydrates, proteins, and fat provide energy through digestion. Insufficient water in the body can also cause dehydration which leads to a lack of energy.
 the importance of nutrition on health


There are four most common health-related conditions. These are cancer, cardiovascular disease, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes. Nevertheless, the risk of contracting such diseases reduces by maintaining a healthy body. Primarily, physical exercises contribute greatly to maintaining good health. They exercise the body and heart muscles keeping the body fit. Moreover, eating healthy foods and a balanced diet also lowers the amount of cholesterol in the body and reduces the risk of contracting these diseases. This is one of the roles of nutrition in maintaining the health of the body.
prevention of health relates conditions

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