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This research paper analyses the causes of stereotyping and the societal effects of stereotyping. In the current world, stereotyping is a common norm. It entails the formulation of an idea or concept about a certain issue in an individual’s mind. The individuals perceive that their perspective is the truth without properly validating the idea. For example, in most households, cooking is a womanly duty. The cause of stereotyping includes learning, social influence, and group norms. Moreover, research links stereotyping to emotional experiences. As a result, they are ridged, and reconvening individuals is not easy. Some argue that positive stereotype is good, and only the negative that holds certain implications. But there exist implications of positive stereotyping.
causes of stereotyping and societal effects of stereotyping


The author’s argument is persuasive, as it explains why stereotyping is a vice. The author emphasizes the fact that all human beings are equal and unique in their manner. Prevention of the causes of stereotyping is possible by upraising children in an educative manner against stereotypes. According to research, subjecting individuals to negative stereotyping leads to undesirable outcomes. Thus, the societal effects of stereotyping include the following. One, increased aggression after they experience the stereotypes. Secondly, individuals lose self-control hence might indulge in undesirable activities. Additionally, the ability to make rational choices is greatly affected. This results from the fear of presiding judgments on outcomes. The next section focusses on the implications of positive stereotyping.
understanding the societal effects of stereotyping


Many people argue that positive stereotyping is good for people. Examples are black people are good at sports, women are caring, and Asians are smart. The causes of stereotyping generally are from learning from other people’s perceptions. Through thorough analysis, these positive stereotypes are harmful. Therefore, this is in line with the author’s argument that “there is no such thing as harmful stereotyping.” The implications of positive stereotyping include the following. Firstly, setting unrealistic expectations for individuals that is mentally unhealthy. For example, a not so caring woman is considered wayward. Secondly, inhibition of the performance abilities of individuals due to increased anxiety. Moreover, psychological implications are likely to occur. Positive stereotypes lead to depression among individuals in some situations.
analyzing the implications of positive stereotyping on individuals

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