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This paper analyzes the nursing theories and practices in nursing; middle range nursing theory focuses and offers a concrete connection between nursing theories and nursing practices. These theories are therefore less abstract and more verifiable through testing. Besides, these theories describe, explain, or predict certain phenomenon in clinical practices. Leaders of nursing set standards and definitions that guide practices in nursing for better patient health care. These standards not only guide practices in nursing but also look into actual nursing performance. Furthermore, these standards provide a framework for assessment, diagnosis, planning, intervention, and evaluation of patients.
 nursing theory and practices in nursing


The nursing theories are important in the following ways. First, they predict, describe, and explain the phenomenon in nursing hence allows nurses to understand what they should do; second, they provide a foundation for practices in nursing, therefore, help to generate further knowledge and indicate a direction for future nursing development. Third, they help to decide what is known and what needs to be known by nurses hence provide better patient health care. Fourth, they explicitly describe nursing hence help to distinguish the basis of nursing practices. Lastly, the nursing theories allow the nursing profession to maintain professional boundaries.
 importance of the nursing theories


There are many examples of evidence-based practices in nursing which include. Infection control where nurses play a key role in illness prevention by adhering to evidence-based infection control policies. Although nurses are busy, they need to control infections and ensure good patient health care. Nurses must follow the evidence-based practice in nursing when it comes to giving oxygen to patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Despite the belief that is could create serious issues, the protocol ensures that these patients are on oxygen. Also, measuring blood pressure is another practice since these accurate measurements are essential for effective treatment. The nursing theories provide a basis to ensure nurses follow these protocols.
 examples of evidence-based practices in nursing

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