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This paper analyzes civil and human rights and the criminal justice system. Civil rights are right granted to all individuals through the law. Human rights are universal rights regardless of the government, nation, and system of law. Therefore, civil rights are local guarantees of human rights. Civil rights are an essential component of democracy. In contrast, civil liberties are freedoms secured by the government. The criminal justice system is a series of government agencies and institutions. This system, therefore, ensures protection of civil and human rights by the rehabilitation of offenders, preventing other crimes, and supporting the victims.
civil and human rights and the criminal justice system


Civil and human rights are important in the following ways. First, they ensure people have their basic needs which are food, shelter, and clothing. Second, these civil rights protect vulnerable groups from abuse. The criminal justice system, therefore, puts concern on these people to protect them from abuse by power holders. Third, they encourage the freedom of speech and expression without the fear of brutal reprisal. Fourth, these rights allow people to stand up to societal corruption hence empowers people and spreads dignity in society. Lastly, these rights protect the environment. This is due to the increased effect of climate change hence the system of law focuses on the protection of air, water, and soil.
 importance of civil and human rights


The criminal justice system has three main components. These are; law enforcement, courts, and corrections. Law enforcement includes officers who not only investigate crimes but also gather and protect evidence and take reports on various crimes. Also, they may arrest offenders and give testimonies in court. The courts are a system of law that is overseen by judges. They make sure that the rule of law is followed and adjudicate proceedings. In addition, along with the jury, they hear evidence and charge the accused as either innocent or guilty. The corrections system separates law offenders from the rest of society. Nevertheless, professionals within this system work to help rehabilitate offenders and provide a system where they monitor these offenders before release. All these components work together to protect civil and human rights.
main components of the criminal justice system

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