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This paper analyzes sexuality in childhood and adolescent sexual development. The sexual behavior of children and adolescents can entail contact with other individuals of similar age which involves sexual body parts and non-physical behaviors such as pornography and exhibitionism. These activities cause sexual body excitement may result in sexual abuse. This is an issue of sexual concern as more incidents occur every day of children or adolescents engaging in sexual behavior. This rises a question on what kind of sexual behavior is normal and what is not. This depends on the age of the child and the behavior, in terms of size or the age of developmental ability.
sexuality in childhood and adolescent sexual development


At the age of around three to five years, children become curious and aware of their different sexes. They begin to learn their physical differences with other sexes and may even begin to imitate gender roles in their daily activities. They may ask about the different parts of their bodies and may also explore their sexual body parts. At this stage in the development of sexuality in childhood, they may not experience sexual body excitement as their bodies are still pre-mature. This may only begin to appear later in their adolescent sexual development. Therefore, parents need to begin explaining to their children about their bodies in a way that they can understand.
development of sexuality in childhood


Adolescent sexual development comes after childhood. It is different from sexuality in childhood in that it involves physical, emotional, moral, social, and cognitive development. These development aspects may not advance at the same rate. It is best to discuss matters of sexuality with them to help them make wise decisions. Thus, they may experience sexual body excitement which accompanied by sexual thoughts and feelings. Some may choose to keep away from sexual activities because of their beliefs and personal values. They will still feel similar thoughts, feelings, and desires. Teens in adolescence may develop an interest in sexual topics to satisfy their curiosity.
normal buildout of adolescent sexuality

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