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This essay analyzes human resource management and human resource specialties; human resource management is the formal system devised for the management of people in an organization. This ranges from designing works, staffing, and employee concerns. It maximizes the productivity of an organization through optimizing work done by employees. From management and organizational leadership, there exists an array of human resource specialties. These specialties are dynamic and they shape the mode of conducting activities in an organization. Through human resource management, different specialists work on the various sectors of an organization.
human resource management and human resource specialties


The principles of human resource management are as follows. An organization should recognize that human resources are the most important asset hence a business cannot be productive without effectively managing this resource. Second, the achievement of productivity of an organization occurs when personnel policies and procedures of the organization link with the corporate objectives and strategic plans. The third principle holds that human resource management finds, secures, guides, and develops employees whose talents and desires are compatible with the needs and future of the organization. These principles require human resource specialties that will encourage integration and cooperation across all sectors of the organization.
basic principles of human resource management


There are five types of human resource specialties. Training and development involve guiding people through the operations and professional needs of an organization. Compensation and benefits are a specialty that works with the human resource management department and financial managers to ensure that any new talents obtained are within the available financial resources. These specialists must also have the ability to suggest compensation and benefits packages for employees. Recruiting is another specialty that is demanding and dynamic. Recruiters travel a lot to attract new talent to the organization. They make recommendations for new hires. Organizational leadership is the managerial team of a company. Those in this area assist managers and officers in ensuring the productivity of an organization. Financial management analyses the budgets of the company.
 types of human resource specialties

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