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This paper looks into the causes of malnutrition and the effects of obesity; although obesity and malnutrition exactly opposite, they both have negative effects on the body. Obesity is a result of a person being overweight while malnutrition is a result of someone being underweight. They both may lead to the development of diseases. Obesity is major as a result of excessive consumption of food especially junk foods and snacks. Regular exercise and physical activity can often reduce the risk of obesity. On the other hand, consuming appropriate amounts of fiber, proteins, minerals, and vitamins in the diet may prevent malnutrition. Malnourishment also causes the weakening of the immune system hence the body is easily attacked by diseases.
Read more about the causes of malnutrition and the effects of obesity at;


There are several causes of malnutrition in children. The most common cause of malnutrition is the lack of food which also weakens the body leading to the development of diseases. Some medications may also alter the ability of the body to break down nutrients and absorb them hence posing the risk of malnutrition. When the amount of nutrients absorbed into the body exceeds the amount of food taken, malnutrition may also occur. Likewise, taking too much food more than the body requires may lead to the effects of obesity. Lack of knowledge of feeding and nutrition may also lead to malnutrition. Other long-term diseases such as cancer and heart defects can also lead to malnutrition.
Read more on the causes of malnutrition in children at;


Lack of knowledge about nutrients in the diet is both one of the causes of malnutrition and a major cause of obesity. Having obesity increases the risk of stroke by causing blood to stop flowing into the brain. Fat in the neck area may block part of the airway causing difficulty in breathing. Obesity also leads to the development of diseases such as gallstones and gastroesophageal reflux disease. Other effects of obesity include deterioration of bone density and physical disability. Extra weight may also apply too much stress in the joints leading to pain and stiffness.
Read more on the effects of obesity on the body at; 

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