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This report looks into racial injustice in America and the criminal justice system. Many Americans still believe that there is a lot to do in the war against racial and ethnic discrimination. In particular, Blacks are skeptical that black people will ever have equal rights in the U.S. Racial diversity in the U.S. causes a lot of tension and unfair treatment due to people’s backgrounds. Generally, Americans think being white is an advantage in society. Most adults agree that police and the criminal justice system treat blacks less fairly in their interactions. The same is true in the education sector. Most black and Hispanic people have less access to quality education and employment opportunities.
 racial injustice in America and the criminal justice system


The criminal justice system of the USA is well-known for racial prejudice. After abolishing slavery in 1865, Southern states embraced criminal justice as a means of racial control. Discriminatory “Black Codes” led to the imprisonment of numerous black men, women, and children. This goes to explain the extent of racial injustice in America since historical times. Criminal laws also worked against Civil Rights protestors. Even though these campaigns were victorious, policies to combat racial inequality do not target criminal justice. Increased racial diversity in the U.S. continues to spark more bias against minorities. Vulnerable communities face the risk of incarceration. Seventy percent of American prisoners are non-white.
 race and the criminal justice system 


Americans have complicated and contradictory views regarding racial diversity in the U.S. Companies are making efforts to ensure ethnic diversity in their workforce. Most people happily embrace diversity, saying it is a good thing. However, some claim diversity brings about many challenges, resulting in more racial injustice in America. Some of the reported challenges include increasing competition for employment opportunities and increased crime rates. Opinions on these issues also vary considerably along party lines. Democrats are more likely to express positive views of the importance and impact of racial and ethnic diversity. Lastly, even with more diversity, the criminal justice system continues to exhibit some form of ethnic bias in prosecutions and imprisonment.
 issues of the growing racial diversity in the U.S.

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