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This dissertation examines the book Heroic living and the pillars of leadership in heroic living. Heroic living by Chris Lowney is a book, according to the author, assists individuals in discovering their purpose. As a result, individuals create a positive impact on others. The author borrows wisdom from experience in his previous job. Moreover, he used business based case studies in guiding individuals on their calling. Additionally, he describes how individuals center their lives around crucial principles. The author suggests that changing the world is a gradual process. Taking one step at a time is crucial for expressions of a spiritual purpose and giving life meaning. There are various impacts of heroes in society.
heroic living and the pillars of leadership


The book Heroic living brings out important aspects of making a difference in the world. A hero is someone who saves people from a difficult situation. Therefore, the hero creates a certain impact on the people around him or her. In the past, the celebration and rewarding of heroes is a common norm. Chris Lowney portrait’s essential pillars of leadership in his book, heroic living.  Self-awareness is the foundation pillar by examining the strengths and weaknesses of an individual. The examination requires at least a month to achieve effectiveness. Secondly, an ingenuity aids an individual in embracing the adaption of an individual in the changing world. Other pillars are love and heroic ambitions.
pillars of leadership in heroic living


This section evaluates the impacts of heroes in society. The influence of heroes remains crucial in the world’s society currently. People are acknowledged for heroism because of different reasons. For example, people that lead others to liberation are considered heroes. First, heroes uplift and enhance the lives of individuals they are around. As a result, motivating people to be better versions of themselves. Secondly, they are individuals who model morals and values in society. Therefore, heroes need to possess the essential pillars of leadership. Moreover, they depict a social and psychological impact on other individuals. This is a result of the protection heroes offer to members of the society at large.
 impacts of heroes in the society today

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