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This report investigates income inequality in Australia and the barriers to education that result from inequality. Wealthy people in Australia own about two-thirds of the entire wealth, while low-income earners possess about 18% of the wealth. The type of wealth owned is also different for people living in Australia. The rich own most of investment properties and shares. They also own about half of the wealth in family homes. The number of Australians with riches worth more than $US50 million is about 3,000. This level of inequality in Australia forces about 17% of Australians to live in poverty. These are mainly the unemployed, single parents, and older adults. Most of the people living in rural, regional or remote parts of South Australia are also poor.
 inequality in Australia and the barriers to education


Education inequality in Australia takes many forms. It is a huge challenge as it stunts youth potential, leading to other negative impacts on society. With low educational experiences and outcomes, most people are likely to face numerous societal problems. They counter fierce barriers to education, diminished health, low wages, unemployment, social exclusion, and teenage pregnancy. Inequality between students from different social backgrounds begins at primary school and widens as they progress through educational systems. This makes living in Australia difficult for students from the lowest socio-economic status as they usually underperform in school. Inequalities of educational opportunities and experiences are a result of socially segregated schools. Lastly, Australia has one of the largest resource gaps between advantaged and disadvantaged schools.

Read more on removing the barriers to education in Australia


Living in Australia is convenient for people seeking an easy-going lifestyle. Most Australians live with efficiency, rigour, and attention to societal well-being. Australia is also one of the most ethnically diverse societies in the world today. This forms part of the reason for high inequality in Australia. About a quarter of Australian residents were born outside of Australia. Most residents are either children or grandchildren of migrants and former refugees. Originally, the Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders occupied Australia before the arrival of British colonizers in 1788. Colonization brought about diversity, inequality, and consequently, more problems like social health issues and barriers to education. Today, Indigenous people make up 2.4 percent of the total Australian population.

 living in Australian societies and cultures 

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