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The research will highlight psychological disaster evaluation and PTSD rates after 9/11. Findings on the long-term health and mental health consequences of disasters are somewhat mixed. Some studies have noted enduring effects. However, the majority find that problems are relatively short-lived. The reason being survivors recovered from the initial shock and trauma within a matter of weeks or months. The essay will also discuss PTSD after Hurricane Katrina. Indeed, a meta-analysis of 52 disaster studies indicated that effects attenuate as the number of weeks from the event elapse. Moreover, many as half of the survivors show resilience in the face of loss and trauma. The essay helps in understanding the psychological disaster evaluation and PTSD rates after 9/11.

 psychological disaster evaluation


PTSD rates after 9/11 seemed to have soared as people grappled with the loss of their loved ones. Many people became greatly affected by September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Thus, many people have wondered if there is a relationship between 9/11 and PTSD. The essay also looks at PTSD after Hurricane Katrina. Notably, on 9/11, the United States faced one of its greatest tragedies. Moreover, many people got directly exposed to this massive traumatic event. Others got indirectly exposed through the extensive television coverage and stories from survivors of the attacks. As a result of this, many people got put at risk for the development of PTSD. The research discusses the psychological disaster evaluation and PTSD rates after 9/11

For more information on PTSD rates after 9/11 and the aftermath psychological effects, click


The essay highlights PTSD after Hurricane Katrina, as well as the 9/11 tragedies. In 2003, New York Magazine reported that “probably half the city’s firefighters have gone into therapy. Moreover, 6,100 uninformed people have received counseling through the department effectively dealing with the PTSD rates after 9/11. Victims of Katrina, in contrast, tended to be low-income and minority civilians without access to supportive counseling. Furthermore, they lacked other such resources as they tried to cope with the epic disaster they had witnessed psychologically. Governmental and FEMA resources focused on crowd control, housing, and real issues. The psychological disaster evaluation and PTSD rates after the 9/11 essay compare PTSD counseling between 9/11 and Katrina victims.

 PTSD after Hurricane Katrina and 9/11 tragedies

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