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The essay will discuss the strategies of terrorism and terrorism in civil wars. Terrorism’s design is to change minds by destroying bodies. Thus, it is a form of costly signaling. Notably, terrorists employ five primary strategies of expensive signaling: attrition, intimidation, provocation, spoiling and outbidding. The main targets of persuasion are the enemy and the population that the terrorists hope to represent or control. Mainly, this can be seen with the global terrorism occurrences by groups such as Sendero Luminoso. Moreover, terrorists wish to signal that they have the strength and will to impose costs on those who oppose them. Also, they signal that the enemy and moderate groups on the terrorists’ side cannot get trusted. The research will look into the strategies of terrorism and terrorism in civil wars and its effects.

 strategies of terrorism


Terrorism in civil wars continues to take place with terrorists looking to overthrow governments. Civil wars and terrorism have been occurring for centuries in almost all parts of the world. Notably, many definitions of both terms have arisen that get generally accepted by the academic community. Global terrorism occurrences continue to take place, contributing to the changing definition of terrorism. Observing the many different factors and types of civil wars over the years makes defining them more difficult and ever-changing. Moreover, attempting to define terrorism is no exception in terms of complexity. Also, the media has become quite involved with giving terrorism specific connotations. The strategies of terrorism and terrorism in civil wars research highlight the impact of terrorism during civil wars globally.

terrorism in civil wars and its impact


The essay highlights the global terrorism occurrences and the ensuing effects. Uch of the terrorism occurring worldwide is domestic terrorism carried out by rebel groups fighting in civil wars. Rebel groups such as the Sendero Luminoso in Peru set off bombs in populated areas. Examples include train stations, on public buses, in busy marketplaces and restaurants, wounding and killing many civilians. Terrorism in civil wars is also commonplace and leads to the deaths of innocent citizens. In fact, thirty-eight of the 103 rebel groups fighting in civil wars1 from 1989 to 2010 engaged in terrorism. The strategies of terrorism and terrorism in civil wars research discuss global terrorism s it links to civil wars.

 global terrorism occurrences and the ensuing effects

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