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This assignment discusses SUS7010 Sustainability concept and global principles of sustainability. Sustainability refers to the processes and actions through which humankind avoids the depletion of natural resources. Sustainability consists of three pillars, which are the economy, society, and the environment. Today many companies are adopting corporate sustainability strategies that meet fundamental responsibilities in areas such as labour and environment. Today, sustainability gets spoken with climate change, which threatens life as we know it. That’s one of the reasons why today, many companies have corporate responsibility strategies. Therefore, SUS7010 sustainability concept and global principles of sustainability seem to focus on the present moment.

 SUS7010 sustainability concept and global principles of sustainability


SUS7010 Sustainability concept and global principles of sustainability include 11 principles. One of the principles is the responsibility to do no irreparable harm to the planet and its inhabitants. Responsibility to guarantee basic human rights for all individuals is also among the global principles of sustainability. Other principles, therefore, include the responsibility to preserve the planet and its resources for future generations and nonviolence priority principle. Among the principles are the responsibilities to choose hope over despair and to foster diversity of species and ideas. There is also the responsibility to hold accountable the perpetrators of crimes against peace and crimes against humanity. Lastly, the responsibility to leave the planet a better place is among the aspects of corporate sustainability.

For more information on the global principles of sustainability, click


Corporate sustainability starts with a company’s value system and a principles-based approach to doing business. Thus, companies operate in ways that meet fundamental responsibilities in human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Responsible businesses enact SUS7010 Sustainability concept and global principles of sustainability. Also, responsible businesses know that good practices in one area do not offset harm in another. By incorporating the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact into strategies, companies are setting the stage for long-term success. The ten principles fall into categories of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. In the environment category, the principles include promoting an excellent environment, which is also among the global sustainability principles.

For more information on corporate sustainability and its principles, click

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