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CHC50113 Assessment in Diploma of Early Child Education and Care

T‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‌his CHC50113 Assessment in Diploma of Early Child Education and Care contains two parts. Part 1 questions and Part 2 are scenarios. Part 1 ( Question one ) has eight questions eight-question. Therefore, we will need to provide three examples for each question. In part one of  CHC50113 Assessment in Diploma of Early Child Education and Care ( Question 2 ) we will do research. Then,  we will write a report to answer the question with a minimum of 200 words writing. Additionally, in Part 1 (Questions 3 and 4 ) we will need to do research with the theory. Then, we will answer the question with a minimum of 250 words writing for each/both questions. It is worth noting that in t‌‌‌‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‍‌‍‍‌‌‌‌his CHC50113 Assessment in Diploma of Early Child Education and Care, we will have to explain with our understanding.

Mode of submission of CHC50113 Assessment in Diploma of early child education and Care

The following section therefore, contains instructions for the Student that should be followed. Firstly, we must answer all parts/questions about the assessment. All our answers will need to meet specific criteria. Therefore, it is critical to refer to the criteria outline onto the next page. Our answers must be typed, and either use one of the following fonts: Arial, Verdana, or Times New Roman; font size must be 11 pt. and spacing of 1.15. Most importantly, we will have to read the electronic student declaration and tick the declaration prior to submitting our assessment on Moodle. Secondly, in PART 2,  we will have to read those scenarios of each question and answer/ provide a solution ( aka. case study). Hence, all the research for this assessment work must follow Melbourne Victoria laws and legislation policies guidelines. That is how to submit, CHC50113 Assessment in Diploma of Early Child Education and Care.

Collaborative partnerships with families and communities

Assessment must be submitted prior to or on the due date given to you by your relevant trainer (unless written permission for an extension has been granted). This is one specific area in this CHC50113 Assessment, Collaborative partnerships with families and communities.  As part of this CHC50113 Assessment in Diploma of Early Child Education and Care, we must ensure we utilize the student assessment guide. Also, use the following files, Education and Care National Quality Framework. Secondly, the Education and Care Services National Regulations. Thirdly, The relevant approved learning framework under the National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care. Lastly, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and, Early Childhood Code of Ethics • Organisational standards, policies, and procedures. Lastly, we will have to  attach a reference list at the end of our assessment following the APA referencing system

Complete guide one CHC50113 Assessment in Diploma of Early Child Education and Care Download

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