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There are many debates pertaining to the ethical perspectives in claiming and defending abortion rights. Firstly, most governments do not have a system of defining the existence of a soul. Moreover, there remain numerous debates on when life begins. Most people tend to lean towards religious views on abortion. In the modern age, young adults are beginning to change the traditional world perspectives on right and wrong. They argue that the two adults involved in ‘creating’ the pregnancy have the right to decide whether to keep or terminate it. The ‘more traditional’ people argue for the moral and ethical issues in abortion.
Read more of the ethical perspectives in claiming and defending abortion rights at 


Religious views on abortion continue to persist because most people are religious. Most religions take strong positions on abortion. This is in relation to profound issues of life and death, right and wrong, human relationships, and the nature of society. These ethical issues in abortion are significant concerns of many religions. Issues of abortion affect one’s emotions and spirituality. They often turn to their faith for advice and comfort for explanations of their feelings. Therefore, defending abortion rights can become quite challenging. Additionally, many people purely intellectual arguments on abortion quite unsatisfying.


Ethical issues in abortion arise about unplanned pregnancy and abortion. Many care centers support a woman’s right to make her own decision about her pregnancy. This support ranges from the woman’s unique circumstances to her personal values. In the modern age, defending abortion rights is more common than ever. Women nowadays form opinions prior to pregnancy as a way of influencing change from previously held beliefs. However, not all women are of similar views. Some believe it to be unethical, with most supporting religious views on abortion. It is more important to prioritize your values over others’ when making such a decision.

 ethical dilemmas and considerations in abortion

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