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In this assignment, SYS380 strategic considerations for mitigating the impact of Covid-19, Organizations must have several strategic considerations for mitigating the impact of COVID-19. Top-level managers must have an appraisal for vulnerable areas within and outside the organization. Additionally, they must develop risk management plans for the identified key areas. COVID-19 mitigation processes work towards implementing plans with structured projects and assigned project management. Mitigation plans involve issues of protecting human health and safety so that business activities can continue smoothly. This essay particularly investigates the best mitigation plans for sustaining higher education during this pandemic. This will ensure that students do not fall behind on their studies while giving them opportunities to conduct more research pertaining to the corona pandemic.

strategic considerations for mitigating the impact of COVID-19


There are several recommendations to minimize institutional damage to help in sustaining higher education during the corona pandemic. To reduce further spread of the virus, higher education institutions should suspend or at least reduce the number of applications required. This will help to control the number of students in universities in an aim to lessen the impact of COVID-19. Additionally, universities should develop fair and appropriate models for contextual admissions. These models could consider students’ course work, exam results, and personal circumstances during their admission. Contextual admissions can also reduce arguments about unconditional offers. Other recommendations entail COVID-19 mitigation processes for when students resume to the university campuses.
minimizing institutional damage and sustaining higher education


COVID-19 mitigation processes must involve effective communication. During the pandemic, the need for internet connection continues to rise because students had to switch to online learning. In reducing the impact of COVID-19, governments and mobile service providers should collaborate to remove the burden of costs for online lessons. Telecommunications companies could also try to improve connectivity to improve the quality of learning. This will significantly help in sustaining higher education, especially since we do not know how long the pandemic will last. This pandemic is a strong reason to allocate more budget to health research for vaccine discovery, the Covid-19 precaution, and treatment. Through continued learning, this will be more achievable.

 more of the university policies for mitigating the impact of COVID-19

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